Background of the Study
Health is a state of complete physical mental and social well being
not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO 1978). The
presence of disease in an individual defines his ill health condition which
requires medical care and advice on preventive measures.
The rapid development and advancement in medicine science
and technology call on us to ask ourselves of what program we have in
our thinking attitudes approach and practice to health. Have we
change to improve our children today? What have we done about the
slogan that say prevention is better than cure? Answer to above
challenges could be said that to learn is to change and our health care
approach is towards primary health care system which principally
emphasized on prevention and control of all disease at local community
level more from our children of 0-5 years of age for the whole country of
Nigeria without discrimination of religion or sex of the children.
Vaccine protect diseases by inducing immunity but not all the
diseases on earth vaccine are widely routinely administered around the
world base on common sense principle that it is better to keep both
children of 0-5 years and adult from falling ill than to treat them with
Once they are ill more particularly our children which are going to
be better Nigerians of tomorrow the country will suffer disability and if
death occurs it is reduce the population. This is a bad result so will must
be given vaccine which are known to prevent some common disease
more particularly measles.
The WHO reported that in the year (2002) immunization averted
two million deaths. In view of the above benefits derived from
immunization simply by using vaccines we should not allow our children
to die in our homes and hospitals because of measles and other
preventable diseases.
It is a common belief among Africans particularly in developing
countries that measles is caused by witch craft and sometimes due to
offending god etc. This shows that Benue State of Nigeria is not left out
more commonly in Gboko areas one of the local government in the state
Measles is rarely seen in developed areas where health facilities
are available when there is no overcrowding the rate of cleanness is
high and people are well informed through public and health education in
term of all factors that predisposes to the disease cases of measles
infection (David 1978).
Measles is acute highly infectious disease of the childhood cause
by a particular virus group myko viruses. It is virtually endemic in some
parts of Gboko local government area. This disease affects the
childhood the most and sometimes fersocles in productive years when
she is pregnant and never have immunization before at the same time
never contacted in life.
The other name for measles is Rubella which affects the adult
more than children. The earliest description of measles was given by
noted Arab Physician Abu Baer (1865-925 AD) known to the West as
Rhazes. Panum did classical studies on the epidemiology of measles in
1846. In 1954 measles virus was isolated by Enders and his colleagues
in USA. In 1958 measles vaccine was first used in clinical trial and
1963 life measles vaccine was licensed for use till today.
Transmission occurs due to air borne in form of droplets infections
from 2-4 days before the onset of rash but depends on the immunity of
individual patient. Some may be 7 days before rash started. The entry
route to the body system is through respiratory track and the mouth.
The researcher have noticed that for various reasons most
mothers refuse to carry their children for vaccination due to fear of
vaccinations reactions to the children after given the medicine. Others
tend to say they have not being considering on the day of immunization
by community health practitioners for that sometimes the ten up was not
encouraging some say train persons are only considered the beautiful
ladies. The points above means some mothers forgotten about measles
which is communicable disease.
Statement of the Problem
The attitudes of mothers concerning outbreak of measles was that
they never care to carry their children early enough for proper
management and possible treatment in the clinic or hospital.
Measles is the worldwide disease. it is one of leading cause of
morbidity and mortality. In Nigeria it is one among the six killer disease of
the child. For now constitutes a serious public health problem. it is
responsible for 60% patient visit health facilities during outbreak less
than 5% of death in children under one year. 30% one year and above
and 11% pregnant women (FMOH 2005).
Due to irregular tend up for vaccinations the actual incidence of
measles is not known.
Purpose of the Study
1) To determine the availability of materials and services for measles
immunization in clinics/hospitals in Gboko Local Government.
2) To determine the extent of immunization coverage in Gboko Local
3) To find out the factors that affect the successful immunization
coverage in Gboko Local Government.
Significance of the Study
If the findings of this research work are adopted properly and
implemented it will benefit the health workers as well as the ministry of
health the government the children community members and the field
of knowledge in general.
a) To the ministry of health and health workers the study findings will
provide useful information on the coverage percentages of
measles immunization in western part of Gboko town this allow
more children missed out to be immunized.
b) The finding if adopted and implemented will facilitate government
decision making as well as other interested non governmental
organizations towards updating strategies for proper coverage of
targeted children immunization.
c) When this new strategies are employed and more immunization
the children will enjoy more coverage adhered healthier life. The
community as whole will consequently benefit from healthier
human resources that will contribute to better development in all
aspects since children are the community future pride. This can
make it difficult to find permanent damage by measles in the
children from 9 months to five years of life (5 years).
Research Questions
i) What are the availability of health materials and services for
measles immunization in clinics/hospital in Gboko?
ii) What are the extent of immunization coverage in this western part
of Gboko area?
iii) Which are the factors affecting the successful immunization
Scope of the Study
This study is limited to Gboko local government area part of
western side. Factors responsible for outbreak of measles in this local
government in Benue state.
Project Information
NGN 3,000Pages
1 - 5Program type
national diploma (nd)
Additionnal content
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